Pre-Law Advising

Prepare for a Law Career

Learn more about how to prepare for law school and how we can help you along the way!

There is no one set list of activities or courses that you need to prepare for law school. Law schools are looking for smart, hard-working applicants who will create a vibrant law school community and contribute to a network of productive and engaged alumni. There are no preferred concentrations, preferred extracurricular activities, or preferred work experiences; great law students come from all fields and all backgrounds.

Although this openness allows you to be flexible in your preparation, it can make it difficult to know what next steps to take and how best to prepare. Rest assured that we are here to help. Check out the resources we have on this website and feel free to schedule an appointment to meet with an advisor to answer any questions you may have.

Pursuing a career in law involves a lot of time, money, and commitment. It’s important to know that a legal career is the right fit for you.
Students who are successful in law school, and who become accomplished professionals, come from many walks of life and educational backgrounds, but like many professions in the United States, law still has room for progress.
Law schools are quite flexible in the requirements they have for applicants and instead want you to focus on delving deeply into your own interests and developing the skills that will make you successful in both law and life.
Be engaged. Law school admission is based on more than just your GPA and LSAT score. Schools also value student engagement in activities outside the classroom too.
The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) is a non-profit organization that coordinates the admission process for law schools in the United States and Canada. It is the central hub for all application information for law school.
The LSAT and GRE are two standardized tests used by prospective law schools to assess their applicants.