Pre-Law Advising

Events and Opportunities

View events hosted by Pre-Law Advising at Brown, and explore our curated selection of additional external events and opportunities including fellowships and internships.

Our Events

The majority of Pre-Law Advising events and programs are offered during the early stages of the application process in the fall term. These events are open to everyone but would be especially informative for seniors and alumni who are currently applying to law school and juniors who plan to apply in the near future. 

External Events

Events hosted by other organizations are listed for your information only and do not represent an endorsement by Brown or the Pre-Law Advising office. All times are in Eastern standard unless otherwise noted.

October 2, 2024: Dive in with the Admissions Deans:

Join Ann Perry and Faye Deal (the admissions Deans at the University of Chicago and Stanford Law School) in their upcoming diving expedition into all things law school admissions-related. Handshake:


October 4th and 5th 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm EST: Ms. JD PreLaw Application Accelerator

This free, two-day virtual conference is open to all pre-law students and will take place on October 4 and 5, 2024, from 12-3pm Eastern. Participants will hear from admissions professionals and industry experts on topics such as writing a strong personal statement, when to submit optional essays, and what to include in the addendum. More information and a registration link can be found on their website.


October 7, 2024 6:00 pm EST: Penn Carey Law Virtual Info Session:

Admissions Representatives from Penn Carey Law will host a Zoom exclusively for Ivy+ Schools students to share information about their program. Register for this event here.

October 10, 2024 5:30 pm: Georgetown Law School Admissions Zoom

Admissions Representatives from Georgetown Law will host a Zoom exclusively for Brown students to share information about their program. Please RSVP here and register for the Zoom here.


October 28, 2024 6:00 pm: Yale Law School Admissions Visit

Admissions representatives from Yale Law School will be on Brown’s campus on Monday October 28th in the Petteruti Lounge to share information about their program. Space is limited, so please RSVP here.


November 1, 2024 12:00 pm: Cornell Law School Admissions Zoom

Admissions Representatives from Cornell Law will host a Zoom exclusively for Brown students to share information about their program. Please RSVP here and join the Zoom here.





Disclaimer: The listings here are provided as a benefit and a resource to students. Brown does not endorse or promote any particular third party entity’s program. The linked opportunities will take you to the third party provider’s website where you can obtain information about the specific program or opportunity. You can then determine on your own whether you are eligible and interested in applying or participating.

  • Graduates: Project Analyst Program - Mintz, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky, and Popeo, PC

One of Boston’s most prestigious firms is actively recruiting for their long standing Project Analyst Program. For more detail on the program, how to apply and how to join one of their informational sessions, view their flier. Applications are due by September 20th at 11:59 pm EST.