Pre-Law Advising

Apply to Law School

The process of applying to law school can feel daunting, but we are here to help!

General Advice for Applying

Don’t focus just on law school; don’t even start by thinking of law school at all. Instead, think of this as preparation for a career with a law degree. Think about what you want out of a career and how law school will provide you with tools to pursue that. You may care about a cause that the law can serve; you may want to help a specific population with its legal challenges. Some people love a particular legal subject matter; others know what they like what lawyers do every day (write, research, negotiate, advocate). Think about your own motivators. 

Get to know the subject matter. Take courses that expose you to law and to the primary law school activity – reading cases. Look for volunteer or job activities that expose you to attorneys, whether practicing in a firm, at a government agency, or in a business or nonprofit setting. Talk to those in the field. We can help you find lawyers in the Brown community whose careers might be of particular interest.

It is true that law schools can be sorted into levels of selectivity, competitiveness and prestige. And there is some correlation between those factors and the distribution of job opportunities. But the basic curriculum across law schools is remarkably consistent and there are many many many law schools that will prepare you for a rewarding career. You owe it to yourself to aspire to the most selective and prestigious law schools. But don’t make the mistake of confusing the school with the career, or your admissions decision with your self worth or the prospects for fulfillment.

Look for role models with law degrees. Who inspires you and what inspires you about them and what they do? Which law related courses did you enjoy? What did you like about them? Are there noble causes? Is there a connection to another field you enjoy (finance, environment, tax policy, healthcare policy, criminal justice)? Law is a field in which you can be learning and growing throughout your life. Talk to lawyers who love what they do. There are plenty of them.

A job with a law degree is still a job. Law is a particularly demanding field. Most lawyers are not appearing before the Supreme Court, publishing withering critiques of – or overwhelming justification for – theories of Constitutional interpretation. Most lawyers are “just” representing people and companies, helping them achieve business goals, obtain fair treatment from others or the government, assert their rights to compensation or defend themselves from unjust claims. Jobs in law can consume huge amounts of time and energy. Talk to unhappy lawyers. There are plenty of them (just as there are plenty of unhappy people in any field).

Schedule advising meetings with the Pre-Law advisors to help you think about law school, the legal profession, and the application process. Brown's Pre-Law advisors arrange diverse information sessions and admissions panels to provide valuable perspectives on the admission process. Check our Events and Opportunities page for upcoming sessions.

Admission Statistics

Many students are interested in admissions statistics for students from Brown. It is important to note that while the quantitative part of law school applications is partially useful for assessing likelihood of admission, statistics are far from being the sole or even most important determinant of acceptance.

Law schools are looking for individuals who have participated in diverse experiences, developed skills that will make them successful, and are passionate about a career in law. Every year we see students from Brown who have below median LSAT scores and GPAs gain acceptance to highly selective law schools – and we get objective proof that perfect scores and GPAs do not ensure acceptance. Therefore we caution you to use the admission statistics judiciously.

These data provide information about acceptance rates of law school applicants and matriculants from across the US and from Brown specifically. We also have collected Summary LSAT and GPA statistics for applicants from Brown who were accepted to law school from the past several years. These data are only accessible to Brown students and alumni.