Pre-Law Advising

Application Timeline

There is no one ideal timeline for applying to law school. Prior to applying you should engage in meaningful reflection to choose the right path for you.

Assessing Your Readiness

The majority of law school applicants, including those from Brown, apply one or more years after completing their undergraduate degree. In fact, many successful applicants have found that gaining experience in the workforce has strengthened both their interest in a legal career and their application credentials. Overall, law schools seek to admit a diverse class not only in terms of race, ethnicity, and gender, but also in terms of personal and professional experience. If you are not certain that applying directly out of Brown is right for you, take at least one year after graduation to pursue activities and interests that can inform your choices of professional direction. If you then decide to apply to law school, you will be a stronger candidate. Below, we have provided a suggested timeline but it is important to note that there is a good bit of flexibility in much of this timeline and your actual timeline may differ.

Suggested Application Timeline

January - February

  • Reflect on your goals and preparation
  • Research legal career paths
  • Decide on LSAT date
  • Make an LSAT study plan

March - June

  • Choose study resources
  • Start studying for the LSAT

July - August

  • Take the LSAT
  • Register with the Credential Assembly Service (CAS)
  • Research potential schools and create a school list
  • Work on your resume


  • Most law school applications open
  • Review the essay requirements for your schools 
  • Write essays and gain feedback
  • Email potential recommenders
  • Attend Law School visits at Brown


  • Complete the LSAT if you have not already done so)
  • Finish polishing your essays
  • Gather letters of recommendation
  • Finalize your school list
  • Apply to Early Decision Programs (deadlines are often Nov. 1) 
  • Attend Law School visits at Brown
  • Request Transcripts
  • Complete and submit applications

November - December

  • Finish applications to all schools
  • Prepare for interviews if needed
  • Attend Law School visits at Brown

January - April

  • Complete financial aid applications
  • When admitted, make seat deposit
  • If waitlisted, consider sending a letter of continued interest or an update
  • Attend accepted students open houses at law schools
  • Negotiate scholarships as needed
  • Make final decision on which law school to attend

August - September


Matriculate to law school